My Beautiful Story

"Emerging from the ashes to embrace the beauty..."

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Stones of Remembrance

 Talking with a dear friend yesterday, an idea really struck me. She was talking about how when Joshua was traveling, God wanted him to set up stones to remember what He had done. Sometimes we need reminders because we can really get lost and caught up in all the negative things in this life. When you are in the midst of troubling circumstances, it can be really hard to focus on the good that God has done in your life. When you have continued hardships, it can almost become impossible to remember the good.  It is good for me to get together with friends and talk about  my story and all that God has done. It really helps me to remember the amazing things that God has done in the midst of my pain and sadness. To see how far He has brought me. To see the amazing way that He chose to heal me and the kids. It makes me love Him more. It makes me appreciate Norm even more. What an amazing gift from God Norm is to my life and the life of my kids. I am so thankful! I also look back and remember how God used some really amazing people to minister to me through my journey of grief. Today I want to place them as stones on my blog as a remembrance and a memorial:
* Russ: for dropping everything (including 3 days of work) to be with me and the kids. Your presence meant more to me than you may ever know. I am so glad that you are my "brother"!
*Selina: For driving an hour in the middle of night just to come and hug me! No words necessary!
* Kim and Scott: For just being there! For driving me to the ER...for hugging me just cuz, for popping in to make sure I was okay... I felt safe knowing you were right next door!
*Th: Where do I begin... for getting on a plane to be with me! For answering the phone, holding me close, wiping away my snot and tears, suggesting Waterboy so we could all enjoy a laugh..for being the BEST sister EVER!
* Sue: shopping, cooking, the use of your camper... your love touched my heart deeply!
* Leanne: helping Sue with the above! :) And your hugs!
*Ma: It may seem small and insignificant to you, but the times you came and just cleaned up my house, played a game with the kids, and the money you send; these all mean so very much to me! Thank you!
*Cheryl: No hesitation to get on the plane and spend a week with me! Couldn't have made it through without you! I love you my BFF forever!
*Melissa: You amaze me! Your presence at just the right time... holding me in your arms... you know exactly what you did for me! Thank you for being Jesus here on earth for me! I love you so very much! You saw the rawest part of my grief...
*Deanne: coming a long way after not even being in my life for a long time... and cutting my kids' seemed small, but it was HUGE! Thank you again!
*Patrice: Thank you for remembering Erik's birthday and sending me that card! I will never forget it!
*Marsha: your cards, your love, your prayers....
*Cheryl: Your continued support.. letting be real with you.. I love you my dear friend...thank you for always being a phone call away!
*Stevie: Where do I begin "Bestie"?? Your continued support has carried me through this journey these past 20 months! Your hugs, your honesty, your love, your smile... I love you more than words can ever say!
*Kristen: Our weekly "dates" were such an encouragement to me in the beginning of my journey. I looked forward to seeing you everytime! You were a breath of fresh air to my hurting soul! Even though our dates are no longer weekly... God is still using you in my life! I love you girl!!!
There are more "stones", but that is for another time to remember! These were the stones at the top of my heart today! It feels so great to list them here! My biggest stone is about to come home from work! Talking about him today, and our story, only made me fall in love with him all over again! I am truly thankful that God placed Norm in my life!
 Take some time now to write out your own stones! You will be amazed at the renewed joy it will bring to your heart!